Homemade caramel cake

Layers of rich yellow cake baked from scratch are topped with a decadent, thick caramel frosting in this Southern Caramel Cake recipe! It’s flavorful and rich, ideal for any special event!

2 cups plus two tablespoons of all-purpose flour (sifted plus flour for dusting cake trays)

1/4 teaspoon of salt

Two cups of sugar

2 sticks of unsalted butter

1 cup of water

1 teaspoon of soda

Half a cup of milk

2 huge eggs.

1 teaspoon of vanilla


3 cups of granulated sugar

1 stick of butter

1 cup of heavy cream

a small amount of salt

2 teaspoons of vanilla


Preheat the oven at 350 degrees. Grease and flour two 9-inch baking sheets.

Sift 2 cups plus 2 tablespoons flour and salt together in a big basin.

You should incorporate the sugar by whisking it in well.

Put the butter and water in a pot, heat to a boil, and then blend in the flour and sugar until smooth.

Then, add the yogurt, eggs, club soda, and vanilla, and stir until everything is creamy and well combined.

When done, transfer it onto baking sheets that have been coated with flour and butter.

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