Delice grilled legumes

Delice grilled legumes




1 cup in a coffee shop


1 cup at a cafe in Italy



1/2 cup in a private café


1/2 cup in a café noir



2 pieces of pommes of terre coupées in cubes



2 cups of carottes, coupés and tranches



2 cups of courgettes, coupés and tranches



2 cups of olive oil soup




Prechauffer the four to 400°F (200°C).
In a large bowl, the terre’s pommes, the carrots and the courgettes.



Verse a filet d’huile d’olive sur les legumes et mélanger jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient uniformément enrobés.



After the day, the Italian assembly, the next one and the darkest light on the legs. It’s better.



the legs on a couch on the plaque in the pâtisserie.
Rôtir the legums with four préchauffé pendant 25 to 30 minutes, then remove the mi-cuisson, when the legums are soft and tender.


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